Linde Community Garden
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We are extremely grateful to our sponsors and supporters without whose generosity it would not have been possible to establish and maintain Linde Community Garden.

If the opportunity arises please support those who have supported us.

Norwood, Payneham and St Peter’s Council

NP&SP Council kindly made available the land on which the garden has been built and provided a substantial grant which has been applied towards the establishment of the garden infrastructure.

St Peters Rotary Club

St Peters Rotary Club has provided a grant of $15,000 towards the cost of construction of the shed/office.

Wallbridge and Gilbert - Consulting Engineers

W&G prepared all engineering drawings and specifications for the shed/office free of charge.

API Insurance Services

API waived the premium for the insurances for the garden. For general insurance enquiries please contact Rob Skipper on 0414 383 210.


Neutrog has supplied all organic fertilizers at very generous prices.

Banner Mitre 10 Norwood

Banner Mitre10 Norwood give us discounts on the purchase of many tools and the building materials for the shed, plants and other garden products.


Sentek installed an EasyAG probe with Sentek PLUS telemetry, which is regularly uploading data to a remote server. This is a solar powered moisture monitor to show how much moisture is in the soil.

Last but not least...

The design for this website was inspired by a Wordpress based site, designed for us by Sarah Langley as part of the Communitywebs project, a joint venture between The University of South Australia and the South Australian Government. Thank you!

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